The existence and the existence of the organization IORA not yet well recognized by students, especially students in the Department of International Relations. Secretary-General Visits Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA), H.E. Ambassador K.V. Bhagirath to Univertas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta on Thursday (15/9) would be enlightening for students will force IORA. Even the leaders of Indian origin is also a speaker in the Public Lecture "Learning from the Past, chanting the Future." In a public lecture held at the Meeting Room of Graduate Building in St. Louis, Bhagirath IORA introduce the organization to the students. This organization was followed by the countries in the Indian Ocean region such as India, Iran, Kenya, Madagascar, Indonesia and 17 other countries. Bhagirath mention that IORA has the purpose to promote the sustainability of the growth and development of the balance of the region and its member countries. "IORA has six areas of priority, among others, maritime safety and security, trade and investment facilitation, fisheries management, disaster risk management, academic science and technology, and tourism and cultural exchange. IORA also have a focus on collaborating with the bloc and other countries. because a state should collaborate and co-operating with other countries for the sake of growth and economic progress of the country, "said Bhagirath. IORA itself is called Bhagirath has focused on member countries that are developing. Especially in most countries of the coast of Africa and some of Asia. Because some of those assessed are lagging economy compared to other countries. Meanwhile, Dr. Siswo Pramono, L.L.M., as the Head of the Agency for Assessment and Policy Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia expressed about the future of organsiasi IORA. He looked optimistic that IORA is an organization that can increase the awareness of member countries to further enhance the economic potential. "The location is also adjacent to IORA countries stumble conflict. As the countries in the Middle East and some countries in Asia. IORA future conflicts are expected to help the country to resolve the case by way of negotiation and diplomacy," said Siswo. Lecturer HI UMY, masyithoh Annisa ramadhani, S.IP., M.A., mentioned that there was contact between the shaft IORA vision maritime world is the focus of the current President Joko Widodo. Indonesia has a great potential as the pivot of the maritime world, due to geographical location of Indonesia is at a strategic crossing point. Good impact on the strategic position of Indonesia called masyithoh with the Natural Resources and the high potential of Indonesian owned. "While the vision axis of the maritime world is currently being finalized. This vision is good, but when we get into the realm of the implementation of this vision, there are still many things happen that overlapping among stakeholders, policy makers, they are still not a single command, where are you going in fact this shaft, "explained masyithoh. Lecturer HI is considered that the vision of the world maritime shaft should have a maritime connectivity (maritime connectivity). And that includes, among others, in economics or blue economy, and also in the field of security (security), in the field of maritime culture (maritime culture) in which not only the government or officials who know the vision but also to the community level. "And also the cooperation in the field of education in the field of maritime exchange atauacademic this. And this is one of the foundations for building a maritime culture, or culture," added masyithoh.
Masyithoh see that vision of the world maritime shaft is very nice, but said the government must set the pace clearer. Not only visions without implementation, but the government should pay attention to the existing practice in the field. "The hope with the vision axis of the maritime world, issues seeprti IUU (Illegal, Unreglated, Unreported) Fishing, looting and theft in the ocean, it becomes more settled. And this is one of the challenges the world how to be a maritime shaft," said masyithoh.