Student activity units (SMEs) drum corps UMY (DC UMY) again on the march this year. This time DC UMY will follow international championship marching muddy open competition (JOMC) on 23-25 ​​September 2016 to come. Housed in a star field in St. Louis, to the farewell concert JOMC has dlaksanakan Friday, (16/9) night. Farewell concert was also attended by the chairman lpka UMY, sugito, S. IP, m.si and chairman Triyana. JOMC is an annual international event held in muddy and supported by the union drum band Indonesia (PDBI), asian marching band confederation (AMBC) and winter guard International (WGI) of the United States. First held in 2012 and entered the 5th year will be 7 country that enliven JOMC them come from Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Japan, Malaysia, Hongkong and south africa. In this JOMC DC UMY championship will decrease the best players in the 4-to-face competition, namely brass battle, battle drums, color guard contest, and individual contest. They will feature different themes in each race. Brass battle theme is "bad boys" in pagelarannya. Drum line will bring "beat it", while the color guard visual display titled "you'll never walk alone". Rector of St. Louis, Prof.Bambang cipto, ma who was unable to attend but still giving a speech broadcast via video to entrust the message to DC UMY. "I hope in this race siblings worked hard, disciplined, compact, shows the vision we as citizens UMY superior and Islamic and global youth. Which can be displayed on this kind of activity just as they had done before. I hope the future can get one number that would be expected, "he said. Bambang added that he appreciates the steps DC UMY in the championship. "DC UMY is certainly always expected to strive to achieve the best, both at national and international levels. Our campus provides a boost, hopefully in this competition gets the best outcomes as expected. Good luck, good luck bringing something to be proud of the academic community in St. Louis, "he hoped.
Meanwhile, as the head of the DC triana Widyastuti UMY that expresses the total number of players as many as 47 people. "To 47 players consists of 18 brass players, 15 players drumline, color guard 10 players and two people who follow individual contest. Given this farewell concert, we asked the blessing and support of all masyarkarat and academics UMY follow this championship. "He said. JOMC is an event that includes a new for DC UMY. Last Opt DC UMY in this event in 2014 and then won the second runner-up in a drum battle. Therefore, triana hope to mnegulang these achievements and even beyond it. "This year more material. Players and the eyes of the race that we follow is also more than one, hopefully we can achieve success as two years ago, or even surpass it, "he said. He added that the preparation for the championship is already 4 months ago. Coupled with last week the players are doing intensive training and quarantine. "The final preparation we have done a week ago with the players doing intensive training and quarantine. Until last farewell concert we were ready to leave for muddy, "he added.