The sun is one of the celestial bodies created by Allah SWT. sun in the solar system occupies a central position (heliocentric) that became the focal point of all the other planets.
the sun is on the celestial bodies themselves have the power radiated heat rays are very useful for biological life of all living beings on earth. and without the sun earth will freeze and pitch black, so that all living beings may not be able to continue his life.
muhammadiyah describe identity, movement as well as the benefits which the sun. if the sun is the cause of the survival of biological lahiriyah for all forms of life on earth, then it will be the cause of the birth of Muhammadiyah, the continuity of life spiritually, mentally for everyone who want to receive the light emitted in the form of religious teachings of Islam as enshrined in the Koran and as sunna. Islam's teachings of truth and the more perfect the whole core of the two sentences creed. ruhaniyah life due to light two sentences creed that is described in the letter al-Anfal 24: "O those who believe! fulfill God's call and the call Apostles. apabaila apostle called you to a life-giving to you."
twelve sunlight spreads to all corners of the determination and spirit likens muhammadiyah citizens in fighting Islam amid the peoples of Indonesia as the determination and spirit never retreat and surrender of the Hawary, the companions of the prophet isa as the number twelve. because of the determination and enthusiasm has been proven conclusively, then God was pleased to perpetuate in one letter as-rows verse 14: "O all you who believe and teach you a helper helper religion of Allah as where speech isa son of Maryam to the house Hawary: who is willing to help me (solely to uphold the religion of Allah), then a party faithful descendants israi and another group who disbelieve: then we give strength to those who believe against their enemies then they became the winners ".
white color to the entire image of the sun symbolizes purity and sincerity. muhammadiyah in the struggle to enforce and uphold the Islamic religion there is no other motive except purely expect keridoan Allah SWT. sincerity is the core (nucleus) -ajaran which taught ihsan as Allah's Apostle saw really made the soul and spirit of struggle muhammadiyah and that since the inception of muhammadiyah been implanted by KH Ahmad Dahlan. because he had believed in earnest that every perjuanganyang constituted by faith and sincere then any strength will not be able to break it.

green color that becomes the base color symbolizes peace and prosperity. muhammadiyah struggling amid the nation Indonesian society in order to realize the teachings of the Islamic religion filled with peace, happy and prosperous for mankind (al-Anbiya ': 107)

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