In order to ward off foreign cultures and maintain local culture, the leadership of the region muhammadiyah special region of Yogyakarta, Java held a cultural Olympiad.
In this case the Assembly primary and secondary education regional leaders muhammadiyah special region of Yogyakarta, Java will host a cultural Olympiad in Yogyakarta on 19 to 22 September 2016. This activity is an effort to preserve and develop the culture of Java is loaded with the noble values. Olympics Javanese culture is fully supported by institutions art, culture and sports as well as a coordinating body pwm diy schools and madrasah muhammadiyah se special region of Yogyakarta. schools and madrasah education as a charitable efforts of Muhammadiyah in Yogyakarta who participated in the Olympics Javanese culture, are encouraged to continue to introduce, preserve and develop the culture of Java.
That, in line with the objectives of civic education, cultivating insight and awareness of the state, act, and behave patriotism bersendikan nation's culture.

Various cultural competitions in the Olympics this time Javanese culture among them, quiz Javanese culture, macapat, geguritan, musicians, slapstick mataram, Javanese dance, as well as various traditional dolanan.