UMSU - selecting 10 cows to the community

Manifestation of concern University of Muhammadiyah North Sumatra (UMSU) to the community around the campus, University of Muhammadiyah North Sumatra always participate and provide assistance in every event the days of the Muslims as it does when the celebration of the feast of Eid al-Adha 1437 h, Universitas Muhammadiyah North Sumatra submit aid sacrificial animals , 10 head of cattle for slaughter at six different locations, namely the campus of one road building statues, on the campus of postgraduate road trail terrain, land development integrated campus UMSU, and 4th place in around campus three road captain mukhtar basri, Monday 12 september 2016 . Rector UMSU dr agussani in ceremony of sacrificial animals were accompanied, chairman prof pwm ibrahim gultom, 2 AKRIM vice rector, vice rector 3 Rudianto, gunawan university secretary, public relations priadi UMSU noisier, and faculty leaders, Rector UMSU dr. Agussani folder convey, Eid al-Adha this year further enhance the spirit of social awareness and togetherness academicians UMSU to the community, and invites the public to put our shoulders together to maintain this togetherness, Head glugur land ii nurianto convey, salute and to the rector UMSU Dr agussani for continued maintaining unity and friendship with people around the campus and government officials, university of Muhammadiyah north Sumatra never missed provide sacrificial animals, as well as food assistance on religious holidays.